Dear Younger Self.
A friend of mine started a little challenge called the #dearyoungerselfchallenge. She asked some of her friends to write a post about what they would tell their younger self. I thought it was a pretty fun idea and it really made me reflect on what my life as an adult has been like. There have been some gems of wisdom I’ve gathered along the way that have helped me get through the unexpected ups and downs of life. Here are my thoughts.

Dear younger self,
1. Find joy in the little things and always find reasons to laugh. They’ll get you through the hard times.
2. Don’t be afraid of failure. You’re never going to be good at something right when you start.
3. Don’t be afraid of looking stupid. Everything worthwhile takes practice.
4. Suffering you can’t control isn’t always bad. During those times, “hunker down” and entrust yourself to your faithful Creator while doing good.
5. Inner silence and prayer will be your greatest friends. This is especially true when you’re angry.
6. Lean into your friendships and don’t take a single one for granted. Each friend is a gift from God.
7. Sometimes you won’t have words to describe how you feel. That’s ok.
8. Growth and change are part of life. Grieve the good seasons past, accept new seasons and grow with them.
9. Neuroplasticity is real, which means you can always make a decision to think differently about a situation, person, or habit. You are never stuck.
10. Do the hard work. It’ll pay off.
11. Every new season will require you to find your new normal. Live every season well.
12. Look past outward appearances (even your own). They are often a façade.
13. Don’t limit yourself so much. Remember Peter who walked on water because he had faith in his Lord.
14. Accept compliments and give them out freely. Life isn’t a competition.
15. Be grateful for this life you’ve been given, no matter how different it turns out from what you thought it would be.