Fighting Despair: An Act of God

For the will to choose not to be despondent when both internal and external circumstances seem to forcibly suggest it, is truly an act of God.
I woke up this morning, arising to day 3 of this month’s 4 days of blood plasma infusions. My body aches, and so does my heart. For I wish above many things that I could wake up to my body cooperating as it so often has before. These prior moments of “health” are also acts of God.
Contrary to popular belief, I do not deserve health. No, indeed I deserve nothing. However, I am also promised everything. If not in this life, in the next. And by everything, I mean perfect love and communion with the Almighty God, my Creator and my Father. And that is truly enough. But what is more, He promises my resurrected body, and that thought alone is quite exhilarating..
He may never explain to me all the reasons “why”, but I will be able to look back with clarity on the book that is currently being written, my life, and see quite objectively (and yet still even more personally) why and how it all fit together for my true good, and of course His glory.
Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Both now and forever and to the ages of ages, Amen.